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Friday 9 July 2010

Botox jab to the neck approved as chronic migraine cure by FDA

Botox jab to the neck approved as chronic migraine cure by FDA

At our clinic we can now offer the treatment--(Dr  Vadgama  was  trained by  Dr Katz)
Dr Howard Katz is a world renowned cosmetic dentist. He has over 29 years of clinical experience in dentistry and has run successful private practices in San Diego, California and in South Africa. After receiving a BDS at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1979, he immediately went into private practice. Dr Katz achieved his DDS in California in 1987 and has been practicing since 1993 in San Diego. Dr Katz has been teaching Botox ® in dentistry internationally since 2002 after he innovated and patented dental applications for Botulinum neurotoxins. Numerous scientific articles on the use of Botulinum neurotoxins scripted by Dr Katz have been published in medical and dental journals around the world.

He created the first teaching manuals for dentists in the use of Botulinum neurotoxins and Injectible fillers. Dr Katz continually updates these programs with cutting edge technological, dental and legislative developments that are pertinent to everyday practice.

Dr Katz is also accredited with the co- invention of Oraverse® local anesthetic reversal agent.


The injections have been shown to be highly effective in preventing the headaches, nausea and dizziness that afflict hundreds of thousands people every year.

For the first time, drug safety watchdog, the Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, has approved Botox for treatment for chronic migraine sufferers - namely, those who have headaches on at least 15 days per month of which at least eight days are with migraine.

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Botox, commonly used as a cosmetic treatment, will be used to treat migraines by paralysing the muscles in the neck and forehead

Botox, commonly used as a cosmetic treatment, will be used to treat migraines by paralysing the muscles in the neck and forehead

Research has shown that Botox, or botulinum toxin, can cut the number of migraines experienced by a chronic sufferer by 50 per cent.

It works by paralysing the muscles in the neck and forehead that set off the condition.

Patients will be given a series of around 30 injections into known trigger points every three or six months, depending on the severity of their migraines.

Up to 700,000 people suffer from chronic migraines in Britain, which means they are blighted by the severe headaches and nausea at least once every two days.

They are often forced to stay in bed and if the attack is particularly severe some will go to hospital.

Although another five million Britons experience migraines much less frequently, only those diagnosed with the chronic condition will be eligible for the treatment.

The jab's effectiveness was only discovered when women having Botox treatment for cosmetic reasons found that their headaches and migraines had eased.

It prompted studies into its capability and doctors in Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre, in North Carolina, the U.S, reported up to 92 per cent success rates.

Researchers in Britain have carried out several clinical trials showing that on average sufferers had 50 per cent less migraines.

'There's been an interest as to whether Botox might be helpful for migraine and we now have two very well conducted clinical trials, the pre-empt trials. 

'They demonstrate that on average it will reduce the frequency of migraine by about 50 per cent and for people who are having migraines virtually every day this can make an enormous difference to their lives.

'Botox is going to make a difference to people who get it, but also for other people with migraine, they will hopefully be able to get better diagnoses, to see people that understand the condition, and in that way the burden of migraine - which is pretty great on this country - will be reduced and lives will be improved.'

Wendy Thomas, Chief Executive of The Migraine Trust said: 'Chronic migraine is currently an under-researched, under-diagnosed and under-treated condition. We know that treatment with acute pain medication does not always work for these patients so we welcome new therapies, especially preventative medication, for this potentially disabling condition.'

Botox has already been found to help ease a number of other conditions including back pain.

It is already being used on children with cerebral palsy, with the jabs used to relax muscles to help them walk.

And they have also  been used to treat facial ticks, squints, writer's cramp and involuntary spasms of the head and neck.

The fees are dependent on the number of units of botox used- ( Fees  from £6  per unit + consultation £ 180.00 )
Subject to medical history and conditions


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V J Vadgama

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